Two Mongolian Climbers Found Dead on Everest After Reaching Peak

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Mongolian Climbers Found Dead

Two Mongolian climbers, Usukhjargal Tsedendamba and Prevsuren Lkhagvajav, who tragically died on their descent from Mount Everest, had reached the summit according to expedition organizers.

Pemba Sherpa, Director at 8K Expeditions, confirmed the summit after examining the climbers’ mobile phones. Photos showed they reached the top at 11:57 am on May 13th.

Despite conquering the world’s highest peak, both climbers perished during their descent. Rescuers recovered Usukhjargal’s body near the south summit on May 17th, while Prevsuren was found near the Balcony area.

Video footage reportedly shows the climbers struggling significantly during their descent, possibly due to oxygen depletion.

The news comes after the climbers went missing on May 12th following their summit push. Notably, they undertook the climb without personal guides. Search efforts by 8K Expeditions located their bodies at around 8,600 meters and 8,400 meters respectively.

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