Bangladeshi National Arrested for Attempting Illegal Entry into Nepal

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Bangladeshi illegal entry nepal

The Indian paramilitary force, Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), arrested a 34-year-old Bangladeshi citizen named Alamgir Hussain while he attempted to cross the Mechi River into Nepal. Hussain was reportedly aided in his attempt by Anup Tamang, a 32-year-old resident of Mechinagar.

The SSB apprehended the pair and handed them to the Khoribari police station. They have since been remanded to the district court in Siliguri for further investigation.

This incident highlights a trend of Bangladeshi nationals using illegal routes to enter Nepal due to restrictions imposed by India on tourists from Bangladesh and other third countries. The SSB made a similar arrest of a Bangladeshi citizen at the Panitanki checkpoint.

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