SEE Results Released: Over 47% Pass, Nearly Half Require Grade Improvement

June 27, 2024
SEE Results Released

The National Examination Board (NEB) has announced the results of the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) held last year. Out of 464,765 students who took the exam, 222,472 passed, representing a pass rate of slightly over 47%.

Here’s a breakdown of student performance by GPA range:

  • Top Performers (GPA 3.60-4.0): 31,209 students
  • Strong Performers (GPA 3.20-3.60): 68,256 students
  • Average Performers (GPA 2.80-3.20): 78,874 students
  • Below Average (GPA 2.40-2.80): 41,177 students
  • Pass (GPA 2.00-2.40): 2,950 students
  • Needs Significant Improvement (GPA 1.60-2.0): Only 6 students

While nearly half the students passed, a significant portion (242,313) did not achieve a passing grade in all subjects (received “NG”). However, there’s a chance to improve:

  • Students who need improvement in only 2 subjects (115,834) can take a grade-increase exam in March/April 2024 (Chaitra 2080 BS) to qualify for class 11.

NEB Chairman Mahashram Sharma encouraged students who need improvement to utilize the upcoming grade-increase exam opportunity.

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