SEE Results to be Released on June 27th

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SEE Results

The National Examinations Board (NEB) announced that the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) results, originally planned for today, will be published by 1 am on Thursday, June 27th.

While the board had prepared to release the results earlier, some technical preparations needed to be finalized. “We were ready to announce them today, and even conducted a trial run,” said Controller of Examination (Class 10) Nandalal Paudel. “However, completing all the signing processes pushed it late into the night.”

The board has scheduled a follow-up meeting for tomorrow at 7 am to finalize the results announcement.

Exam Details and Grading System

Over 504,000 students participated in the SEE exams held between March 28, 2023, and April 9, 2024. The results will be based on the 2022 letter grading guidelines, which differentiate between theory and internal assessments.

To pass a subject, students need a minimum of 35% marks in both the theory (minimum 26.25 marks out of 75) and internal (minimum 10 marks out of 25) sections.

The letter grades will be assigned based on the combined score from both sections. Students who fail to achieve the minimum 35% (26.25 marks) in the theory portion of a 75-mark subject will receive an “NG” (Non-Graded) on their certificate. These students will need to take a grade-improvement exam to be eligible for class 11.

The original certificate will also be withheld for students who score below the minimum marks (10 internal and 26.25 theory) in any subject. Students are allowed to retake exams for grade improvement in a maximum of two subjects.

Those who fail to achieve 35% marks in more than two subjects, and fail to raise their grades through the improvement exam, will have to repeat the entire exam for the following year, but only in the subjects they failed.

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