New Delhi, India: A shocking viral video has surfaced online featuring Rajat Dalal, a controversial figure known for his past transgressions. The footage allegedly shows Dalal driving an SUV at speeds exceeding 140 km/h on a busy road, leading to a collision with a biker.
The video captured the moment of impact, with Dalal seemingly unfazed by the incident. Despite hitting the biker, he continued driving without stopping to check on the injured individual. A woman seated beside him was heard urging him to slow down, but he remained indifferent, nonchalantly remarking, “It’s okay, this happens daily.”
Several other road users were reportedly affected by Dalal’s reckless driving, prompting one individual to record the incident from the backseat of the vehicle. The video has since gone viral, sparking widespread outrage and calls for Dalal’s arrest.
While the extent of the biker’s injuries remains unclear, the incident is alleged to have occurred on a Faridabad flyover near the New Delhi border.
This is not the first time Dalal has been embroiled in controversy. In June, he was arrested by police for allegedly torturing and urinating on an 18-year-old boy. The authenticity of the viral video has yet to be officially confirmed.