Since it was announced, Phantom Blade Zero has become one of the most anticipated games and now the S-Game team has just released a new trailer that celebrates the year of the snake.
This new trailer for Phantom Blade Zero presents us with one in which the protagonist has a battle against the Seven Judgments who fight in a sword formation.
One of these seven enemies functions as the heart and coordinates the overall formation. Now, when the Seven Judgments appear, they surround Soul in positions of a constellation and the leader takes the key position.
The enemies were once warriors of justice who used such formation to destroy their enemies, but they became puppets corrupted by the bloodlust of the transcendence procedure.
Six of them wear a white cloak with a dark hole where their faces go, while their leader, Decree, wears a blue one with a similar face, with a ghostly blue flame.
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Phantom Blade Zero reveals its game mechanics
One detail that the trailer for Phantom Blade Zero shows us is that players must face several enemies at once while looking for opportunities to attack Decree, which is the heart of the formation.
With that come special mechanics:
The player must defeat Decree to complete this phase. When Decree takes damage, the other disciples will sacrifice their own health to heal him. If less than three disciples remain, Decree will use his health to revive them. The collective health pool of all of these enemies remains the same, meaning Soul must whittle them down in one way or another. Unlike fighting seven separate enemies, the disciples are powered by a group AI, which coordinates attacks and launches multidirectional attacks.
On the other hand, Phantom Blade Zero also shows us that enemies are coordinated when attacking. Several attack at the same time, individually they can also attack Soul if they have him nearby, Decree is in charge of the formation all the time and when he is at a safe distance from Soul, he will direct his disciples to attack as a group .
But the fight with Decree is in several phases and in the second the disciples get on a platform where they must use red threads to manipulate a puppet to attack Soul:
The disciples’ attacks will be totally different from the first phase and you will need to be ready to make counterattacks. Here’s what the puppet’s attacks are like: The puppet moves with pendulum-like movements and performs sweeping attacks. The puppet briefly touches the ground when it takes enough damage or when its Sha-Chi runs out. This is the ideal opening for Soul to counterattack. The disciples lift the puppet and release dozens of red threads to perform long-range attacks, which can only be dodged, not blocked. The puppet flies up or away, performing a powerful attack. of lunge. (Cannot be blocked. Must be dodged or parried.)
Phatom Blade Zero and its snake-shaped weapons
We are going to talk to you about a series of weapons that can be seen in this trailer for Phantom Blade Zero and you surely want to know what they do.
White Python and Red Viper: A pair of swords of different lengths. The White Python is a long sword with wide, sweeping attacks, while the Red Viper is a short sword designed for precision strikes. The two swords can also be used in combination, such as the long sword propelling the short sword to attack.
At the game mechanics level we have that it is a long weapon and another short sword. His emphasis is on combos that alternate between the short sword and the long weapon. The speed and transitions are fast between offense and defense.
Venomous Softblade: This weapon can be seen during the second phase of combat with the enemy and is a flexible sword that is good for countering and repelling attacks. If you defend at the right time, you can do a parry which will help execute the enemy.
New Phantom Edges: Here we have two weapons, a Savage Ax which gives three attacks to the enemy, damaging the enemies, but the rate at which you give the attacks will be important. Then we have Ink Cut, which is an artifact aimed at damaging the enemy.
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