Nepali Army General Direndra Kumar Malla Dismissed Over Age Dispute

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General Direndra Kumar Malla

General Direndra Kumar Malla of the Nepali Army has been dismissed from service. The Samari Sainik General Court decided on Tuesday, as confirmed by Nepali Army spokesperson and assistant Rathi, Gaurav Kumar KC. He explained, “The military court dismissed him to ensure he won’t be disqualified for government service in the future.”

Military sources revealed that Malla’s dismissal followed a guilty verdict in an age-related dispute. At the time, Malla was serving as a military attaché to the Nepali Mission to the United Nations in New York, USA. Upon receiving a complaint about the age dispute, the military headquarters, Jangi Adda, recalled Malla from America. After his return to Nepal, he was arrested by the military police.

A Court of Inquiry was established to investigate the matter, and the subsequent findings led to the Military Court’s decision to dismiss Malla.

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