Murder on hole one: ‘haunted’ man kills another on golf course

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A man has been arrested accused of committing a murder on the first hole at the Sandhill Crane Golf Club in West Palm Beach (Florida).

Authorities reported that a witness saw Junior Boucher savagely beat a man brandishing a golf club and later drown him in a nearby water hazard.

Witness described murder of Brian Hiltebritel on golf course

TMZ has had access to the police report in which it is described that Junior Boucher (36 years old) got into a fight with Brian Hiltebritel (65 years old), who called for help shouting “he’s trying to kill me.”

Police maintain that “once in the water, Boucher jumped on top of Hiltebritel and appeared to be strangling him. Boucher then released Hiltebritel, who was no longer moving, retrieved another golf club and hit him repeatedly in the head.”

After the fatal attack, Boucher, who has a long history of arrests, came out of the water, took off his clothes and tried to escape naked until the Police managed to stop him using a Taser (electric current gun).

Junior Boucher hit Brian Hiltebritel with golf clubs and choked to death

Junior Boucher hit Brian Hiltebritel with golf clubs and choked to death

Hiltebritel, who suffered multiple deep lacerations to the back of his head and body, was pronounced dead on the golf course.

“A random act of violence”

Palm Beach Gardens Police Chief Dominick Pape described the killing as “a random act of violence” and noted that “it does not appear that Boucher had any legitimate purpose for being on the golf course.”

Junior Boucher, after the murder: “He was a victim of witchcraft”

Junior Boucher, who justified his deadly attack on Hiltebritel by saying “I was a victim of witchcraft,” will face a charge of first-degree murder.

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