Massive Fire Engulfs Barahathawa Market, Millions in Damages

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Fire Engulfs Barahathawa Market

Sarlahi: A devastating fire broke out on Friday night in the Barahathawa Municipality market, resulting in substantial property damage. The blaze originated in three shops owned by a local resident, Kisun Das, located in Ward 7 of the municipality.

The fire rapidly spread, affecting neighboring businesses. The Rajbir wholesale grocery store, operated by Naresh Sah, a potato store belonging to Bijay Das, and a tailor shop owned by Saroj Raut Kurmi was significantly damaged.

Local authorities estimate the total loss caused by the fire to be around 3 million rupees. The fire, which ignited at approximately 11:30 PM, was finally brought under control at 2:00 AM with the combined efforts of residents, security personnel, and the fire brigade of Hariyon Municipality.

The exact cause of the fire remains under investigation.

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