BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment and ARC SYSTEM WORKS announce that GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition is available starting today on the Nintendo console. The title’s roster, made up of 28 characters, includes those added with the first three Season Passes. Queen Dizzy, the latest addition to the fighting game, will be available for free from February.
Additionally, additional characters sold as paid DLC will be developed for this version of the game, details of which will be revealed in the future. Let’s see the launch trailer below.
GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Nintendo Switch Edition – Trailer di lancio
Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe has launched Guilty Gear -Strive- Nintendo Switch Edition, the acclaimed 2D fighting game developed by ARC SYSTEM WORKS.
Now Nintendo Switch™ users can enjoy the fast-paced, beautifully animated combat of Guilty Gear -Strive-. Developed for both new users and fans of the saga, the game includes an intuitive but very deep combat system to master. Rollback netcode has been implemented in this version, allowing players to have the best online gaming experience as they face off against their opponents from all over the world.
Guilty Gear -Strive- Nintendo Switch Edition arrives on Nintendo Switch™ with 28 characters, the largest roster of the franchise ever. The roster includes both that of the base game plus the characters that were added with the first three season passes.
The latest addition to the roster, Queen Dizzy, will be available for free from February 2025. Other additional Guilty Gear characters -Strive- will also be developed as paid DLC for the Nintendo Switch Edition, details of which will be revealed later.
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Font: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment