A growing controversy surrounds the role of traffic police in a fatal scooter accident that occurred in Gatthaghar, Madhyapur Thimi Municipality-3, on Thursday. CCTV footage from the accident site has revealed that the traffic police on duty did not stop the scooter involved in the collision, contradicting earlier claims.
The accident, which resulted in the death of 65-year-old Uttam Koirala, involved a truck (Na 6 Kha 2173) colliding with a scooter (Ba 49 Pa 8944). The CCTV footage clearly shows the truck overtaking the scooter before the collision.
The incident sparked public outrage, leading to protests and clashes with the police. The demonstrators damaged public property and the police were forced to use tear gas to disperse the crowd. Several individuals, including a police officer, were injured during the unrest.
The driver of the truck, Satendra Shrestha, has been detained by the police, while investigations into the incident are ongoing.