Fruit Trader Killed in Deukhuri Truck Accident

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Deukhuri Truck Accident

A tragic road accident has claimed the life of a fruit trader in Deukhuri. Lok Prasad Bhattarai, a 50-year-old resident of Rapti Rural Municipality-1, Bhaluwang, was fatally struck by a truck on the Lamahi-Bhaluwang road section on Tuesday.

The incident occurred while Bhattarai, who operated a fruit shop in Pulchok, Bhaluwang, was crossing the road. The truck, bearing the registration number SU PRA PA 001 KHA 2779, collided with the victim, causing fatal injuries.

Local police confirmed the tragic event and are investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident. The deceased’s family has staged a protest, demanding justice and compensation. They have blocked the east-west highway to draw attention to their demands.

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