Dipesh Pun, son of former Vice President Nanda Kishor Pun, has been sent to jail after failing to deposit a Rs 400,000 bail amount in the high-profile Supreme Cooperative scam case.
The Rupandehi District Court had ordered Pun on Friday to pay the Rs 400,000 bail for his release. However, when he could not produce the required amount, Judge Deepak Upreti remanded him to custody.
“Pun will be released after depositing the bail,” stated Anant Raj Marasini, information officer at the Rupandehi District Court.
Pun was among several individuals charged in the widely publicized Supreme Cooperative fraud case. The court has also demanded bail amounts from other key accused, including Rs 1.8 million from Durga Chapagain, Rs 1 million from Nabin Achhami, Rs 445,000 from Deepak Neupane, and Rs 200,000 each from Neeta Thapa Magar and Roshani Gurung.
The cooperative’s chairman, Om Prakash Gurung, has already been remanded to judicial custody in the same case.
The Supreme Cooperative scandal allegedly involved millions in funds being misappropriated from thousands of small investors across multiple districts. The case has drawn national attention due to the high-profile nature of some of the accused.