Bharatpur Retains Title as Nepal’s Top-Performing Metropolis

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Bharatpur Metropolis

Bharatpur Metropolis has once again proven its excellence by securing the highest score in the National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission’s (NNRFC) performance evaluation for the fiscal year 2079/2080 BS. With a score of 56.29, Bharatpur outperformed all other Nepali metropolises.

This outstanding achievement places Bharatpur at the top of the seven local levels within its district. It significantly surpasses the scores of other key metropolises, including Kathmandu (39.02), Birgunj (33.49), Biratnagar (32.85), Lalitpur (25.18), and Pokhara (20.74).

Bharatpur’s success is even more impressive considering it also held the top spot in the previous year’s evaluation.

The NNRFC’s assessment focuses on factors such as timely budget management, revenue collection and distribution, strategic development planning, education outcomes, immunization coverage, and overall performance.

Bharatpur’s consistent top ranking highlights its dedication to strong governance, sustainable development, and exceptional service delivery for its citizens. The metropolis stands as a leading example for other local governments throughout Nepal.

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