Biratnagar, Nepal โ Bollywood director Anurag Kashyap and renowned actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui are set to make their way to Nepal next Saturday to attend the premiere of the highly anticipated film, “Shambhala.” The grand premiere ceremony is scheduled for the following Sunday.
Director and producer Min Bahadur Bham revealed that the Indian stars will not only attend the premiere but also watch the film together. Siddiqui, who has already seen “Shambhala” at the Berlin Film Festival, expressed a strong desire to experience the film on the big screen.
While Kashyap and Siddiqui were initially invited to visit Nepal several months ago, the exact date of their arrival was only confirmed on Monday.
“Shambhala,” which is slated to hit theaters in Nepal on September 13, has already garnered international acclaim, having been screened at prestigious film festivals like Berlin and Locarno.